“What is the one most important secret you can share about achieving your dreams?”
The first secret is to getyour free DJ Lesson videos on Dj Gear, Mixing and Playing gigs NOW by clicking HERE!
This is a question I get a lot from a lot of aspiring DJs that want to learn to DJ. When I sit down and think about the question it makes me laugh because there are so many things that go into succeeding as a DJ. Theres the style of music you play, your motivation for djing, your style, your cd, your marketing and promotions, how to build a following, how much you network, the dj equipment you choose and many other factors.
But if I had to break it down to one secret it would be this:
The words of Puff Daddy ring true for anyone that is now living their dreams. They had to fight through some challenges and battles. They had to overcome adversity. They had loved ones and people around them telling them not to pursue their dreams and to “play it safe”.
You need to get this “Can’t stop. Won’t stop.” mentality as you get more and more aquainted with DJing.
Lets say you approach a promoter and he says “You ain’t DJing for me… You’re not good enough.” A lot of DJs would go home and sulk. Winners would work twice as hard to get a DJ gig somewhere else. They would make this setback motivate them as a DJ instead of get them down.
Lets say you’re playing your first party and you accidentally take off the wrong record causing the music to go dead. Most DJs would want to hide in the corner and beat themselves up over it. A lot wouldn’t want to play out again. Winners laugh it off and realize that because they made that mistake, they will never do it again. They learn and move on stronger.
Can’t Stop. Won’t stop! 😀
My post Learning To DJ: The Ups And Downs gives you specific ways to blow through some of the challenges you will face along the way but in the end its up to you.
Most of being a DJ is easy but you have to want it? How bad do you want your dream? You have to be committed to it and you can’t give up when things go wrong.
Laugh. Can’t stop. Won’t stop!
Let me know if this helps…
Great advise! Inspiring. Thanks for all of the motivation Sean.
Hi Sean,
I have a question. I visited a club recently and I loved how they were mixing songs. But where do they play these songs from? CDs? and if so, where do I get these CDs? are they packages that you buy from like HMV or do you burn the discs yourself? And where do you get the tracks? And if i’m not sure if i want to take it up or not, where can i get some sample playlists?
Thanks encouraging me.It made me stonger,and taught me to have faith in myself.
Awesome post! This makes me want to be a DJ. I remember when I first started out…. my parents didn’t want me to do it. I fought them on it . I got rejceted by lots of clubs when i started out. I pushed on.
Can’t stop. Won’t stop!!!
Nice blog site. Your links with this are good. I went throughout all this and I definitely thank you for your teach.
I want DJ secrets!!!