How To DJ In A Small Town

Use your small town roots to kickstart your DJ career!

How to DJ small towns

We all have our own ideas about what it means to be a DJ and most of those ideas are about the music. But we also tend to think of professional DJs as something unique to big metropolitan areas. Our goals as DJs generally start and end with places like New York, Tokyo, Berlin and Amsterdam and that’s great because, well why the hell not?

But let’s be honest; there are more smaller cities in the world than there are large ones…so you do the math. If you haven’t saved up enough money yet for overpriced big city rent, don’t put your DJ career on hold. Keep practicing and follow these rules to start your pro DJ career today!

Don’t Be Afraid To Travel

One of the great things about being a DJ in a smaller town is that you can easily travel two or three towns over in search of DJ gigs. Your town may only have a few night spots where you can play, but so does every other town in a 50 mile radius. That doesn’t mean you need to drive 50 miles away, but if you are willing to do so…more gigs for you.

Before you hop in your car, hop online and do your homework and see the places that might be in need of live entertainment. Look up the contact person and first send them your e-press kit.

If all else fails just get in your car and hustle your way into a few more DJ gigs.

Throw Your Own Parties

This is one of those DJ phenomena often seen as something that should only be done in big cities. Screw that, I say! If you know your town—and the surrounding towns—are deeply in need of some amazing parties…do it yourself!

There’s no reason you can rent out some warehouse, club or whatever and host your own big bash. You get to be the headlining DJ but you can also use this opportunity to share the limelight (and the cost) with some other up and coming DJs who can be your warm up acts.

Not only will this help you get your name out there, but it will also give you the chance to build your demo if you haven’t had enough quality gigs yet.

Small town DJ career

Help Your Townsfolk

Ask people who live in small towns what the biggest benefit is and they’ll tell you, “We look after our own”. As an outsider that may seem scary as hell but if it’s your town you can use this to your advantage. How?

Offer a discounted rate to DJ weddings for all residents, homecoming dances and proms. Offer to provide the music—no matter how cheesy—for town parades and festivals. This is a great way to gain a loyal following, get word of mouth recommendations and build up your DJ portfolio. Volunteer your services at a lower rate for locals and do a good job for you. They will spread the word…guaranteed!

Take Available Gigs

One of the things I’ve noticed about new DJs is that they are often too picky than they have a right to be. You are a newbie, basically an entry level worker so if someone offers you a gig, pretty much any gig, you should take it especially if it pays.

Whether it is the county fair, a wedding reception out in the corn field or a kickoff event for a hometown politician; these are great gigs that will help you in your DJ career. Experience is the only way to gain the confidence you need to make it as a professional DJ and the only way to get experience is to take gigs when they come.

Make It Work

Look, no one with aspirations of DJ greatness has plans to stay in their small hometown forever. But there’s no point in looking down your nose and telling the world how determined you are to get away from it all…even if it’s true. This is your chance to hone your DJ skills so when you have to compete for gigs in larger venues you have the confidence and skill to do it perfectly.

This is your shot to be a big fish in a small pond and see what it’s like to work full-time as a DJ. If you’re the only DJ around chances are good that you will be the go-to guy for all major events where music is required. So work hard to get your DJ skills where they need to be, build your music library so you can accommodate all crowds and when you get there, keep the crowd wanting more.

You can say what you want about growing up and living in a small town but if it’s all you have at the moment you have no choice but to make it work. Give your neighbors the bragging rights to say that DJ Awesomeness played their wedding before he became a household name!

I hope you’re able to make the most of DJing in a small town before taking the leap to bigger DJ venues. Email in the box below to get access to Free video DJ lessons that will answer all of your questions on how to become a disk jockey!

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